That's a trait that used to be celebrated when I was coming up through school.
"Celebrate you! You're unique!"
Where did that go? I've always embraced the fact that I am completely unique, and for that matter, so are you. Nobody on the planet, alive or dead, has experienced what I have, learned what I have, loved who I have, enjoyed what I have, or failed at what I've failed at. Each person is an individual, so why is it that individuals are being forced into collectives?
Peer pressure is one element I suppose. Simply put, we all like to be liked. Now, not saying that being part of a group is bad, but I think what I have trouble with is when the group replaces the individual. I've never been a fan of large groups, especially when I feel my voice has no relevance. I feel like I've lost my individuality, and that's a nasty feeling. So why is it that everywhere I look, people are jumping at the chance to adhere to the collective? Haven't people been told that they have a rare quality, the likes of which haven't been seen before? That each and every individual has a purpose that isn't the group's responsibility, but their own?
Now I feel that I have to clarify, I'm not talking on a level of ego or self-esteem. While it's good to have these, relying on these feelings is a dangerous thing. Self worth really comes from being an individual who achieves things according to their purpose, who earns worth of self. Self-esteem is a sense that you're better than x or y, because of something that you are, without having anything to back up that feeling. I feel that this distinction has helped destroy individuality by pumping (our) generation with so much empty feeling-based self-esteem that we have no concept of self worth. We feel great as a group or self-esteemed people, but don't even know what it's like to be a self-worthy individual, something achieved through toil, especially inner toil.
So, who are you? Who do you want to be? A member of a generation that feels worthy of esteem through no trial of character, or an individual who strives to be the best individual mind, voice, and being that impacts the group.
"You're unique!"
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